Why seek Counselling and how it could benefit you.
Sometimes we have so much going on in our lives that it can affect how we think, feel, behave, and interact with others.Our past experiences may have convinced us that we cannot trust people because they don’t understand how we feel, therefore they don’t understand that what is going on for us is personal and private.
We are afraid to share our problems for fear that we will be judged, or our personal stuff will be revealed. Some of us don’t want to keep bringing up the same issues with family and friends, preferring to keep the time spent together as relaxing and enjoyable as possible.How many times have you opened up to someone only to find that what you have discussed has been passed on to others and somehow made its way back to you? This can cause us to bottle up our problems, shut down and not tell people how we truly feel.
Have you ever noticed that some well-intentioned friends are willing to listen for a while but then they either become distracted, disinterested or the conversation swings around to being about them? I am there to listen. It’s all about you!
I will listen to your individual and specific needs and I am skilled in helping you look at what is concerning you as well as what isn’t working for you and how it might be contributing to you not feeling able to cope . I will listen to your innermost concerns with zero judgment.
Flexible appointment times mean no lengthy waiting time … Life Wisdom Counselling is a Private practice where I choose to accommodate my clients with after hours and weekend appointments if necessary, which are beneficial to your needs if you have other commitments during the day.
Are you worried about taking that first step for fear that it will open up a Pandoras box of problems that you are not willing to face? Dont be ! The thing is, you get to choose what, when or if you decide to disclose information and at your own pace.
When we undergo a life transition through choice or unforeseen circumstances such as a bereavement, separation, divorce, career change ,health issue or moving to a new area it can be helpful to have someone to listen to your feelings of uncertainty , what effects they are having on you and how you are coping . You are then less likely to constantly go over things in your head, repeating the same unhelpful thoughts that are keeping you stuck.
I will help you make sense of what is going on for you and offer a non-judgemental, neutral perspective as well as provide you with strategies to help you cope and give you hope for the future. I can help you to see all you have to be grateful for. Sometimes these things can go unnoticed when we are feeling overwhelmed or depressed. Recognising those things can lift our mood and help us to feel better.
Are you realising that the things that would normally bring you joy are no longer having the same affect, you may be unmotivated, lethargic, avoiding people or situations, spending more time alone ,procrastinating or feeling isolated.Have your loved ones expressed concern for you?
Don’t be afraid to take that first step, I trained in helping people because I truly care and want to make a difference in the lives of others. I am here to provide you with the best environment to facilitate the change you need to move towards a happy and fulfilling life.
Step by step, day by day.
Let me help you
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